rev. a, 10/2008
screen face kit
MODeL raVeLLe™ 30
instaLLatiOn instrUctiOns fOr instaLLinG screen
face kit fOr Use with the raVeLLe™ 30 Gas firePLace
kit cOntents (see Figure 1):
GeneraL infOrMatiOn
Please ensure that all these parts are included
If you encounter any problems, need clarification of these instructions
or are not qualified to properly install this kit, contact you local distribu-
tor or dealer.
1 ea. Screen Face [Complete] (A)
2 ea. Upper Brackets w/Screws (B)
2 ea. 1/4”-20 Lower Face Mounting Screws (C)
6 ea. #10 Washers
Read this instruction sheet in its entirety before beginning the installa-
6 ea. 10-24 Hex Nuts
1 ea. Instruction Sheet
all of these parts may scratch and bend, great care should be used
in handling them.
aLL warninGs anD PrecaUtiOns in the instaLLatiOn anD
OPeratiOn ManUaL PrOViDeD with the aPPLiance aPPLY tO
these instrUctiOns.
cat. no.
screen face, Double Door, Black
tUrn Off the firePLace anD aLLOw it tO cOMPLeteLY cOOL
BefOre PrOceeDinG.
instaLLatiOn instrUctiOns
step 1. Using a 5/32” allen wrench, remove the lower face mounting
brackets from the unit and reverse their locations left to right (see
Figure 2). Re-attach the brackets (see Figure 3) using the existing
10-24 screws. You will need to reverse the speed nuts so that the
flatsideistowardthecenterofthefireplace. Theoutsidedimension
between the brackets should be 28 inches.
Figure 1 - Kit Contents
Left Bracket
attach left bracket to
right side of fireplace.
tOOLs neeDeD:
Phillips Head Screwdriver
3/8” Socket or Nut Driver
5/32” Allen Wrench or T-Handle Wrench
right bracket to left
side of fireplace.
Figure 2
nOte: DiaGraMs & iLLUstratiOns are nOt tO scaLe
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